Photo Prints Services

At Dynamic Phototronics, we understand the importance of accurate and timely document reproduction. With our dependable photocopy services, we offer a hassle-free solution for all your copying needs. Whether you require black and white or color copies, our advanced equipment ensures sharp and clear results every time. Our skilled professionals are committed to delivering exceptional service, guaranteeing fast turnaround and precise duplication of your documents. From single-page copies to large-volume projects, we are here to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations with reliable and efficient photocopy services. Experience the convenience of high-quality reproduction with us today.


Photo Prints Sizes Millimetres (HxW) Inches (HxW) Unit Price
WL 84 x 55 mm 2.2” x 3.3” $0.80
2R 89 x 63 mm 2.5” x 3.5” $0.80
3R 89 x 127 mm 3.5” x 5” $0.60
4R 102 x 152 mm 4” x 6” $0.60
EPIC 115 x 152 mm 4.5” x 6” $0.70
5R 127 x 178 mm 5” x 7” $1.00
6R 152 x 203 mm 6” x 8” $1.50
8R 203 x 254 mm 8” x 10” $4.00
S8R 203 x 305 mm 8” x 12” $5.00
A4 297 x 210mm 8.3” x 11.7” $7.00
10R 254 x 305 mm 10” x 12” $12.00
S10R 254 x 381 mm 10” x 15” $12.00
S12R 305 x 457 mm 12” x 18” $16.00
Panorama 305 x 1397 mm 12” x 55” $66.00
- 406 x 610 mm 16” x 24” $45.00

*For custom order (from 24” x up to 100”) , please contact our staff for quotation.

*For bulk order , please contact our staff for quotation.
